
Specialty blog

What if candy could become water (my most important blog ever)?

Like life, this silly little blog of mine can't always be about me.  The end result of this blog will be real human lives both saved and enriched.

Did you know that 800 million people across the globe lack clean water and that approximately 5,000 children die each day for no other reason than the lack of clean drinking water?

Did you know that, on average, Americans spend approximately $2 billion annually on Halloween candy?

Did you know that some estimates suggest that $6 billion dollars (three Halloween's worth of candy) could solve the world's water crisis?

Finally, did you know that it costs no more than $7000.00 to provide one community of 2500 people with clean water for ten years? That is only $0.28 cents per person per year.

This year I'm hoping to celebrate Halloween by providing 10 years of clean water for one community.  

We've only got 36 days to go

Thus far, Jennie (36), Nate (14), Luke (13), Piper (16 months) & I (old as dirt) have been able to raise close to 50% of the required funds.  We are hoping to find more like minded friends that can help will provide the other $3500.00

If you are willing, wanting and able to help, please just let me know and I'll tell you how you can pitch in.

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