
Specialty blog

Prepare to discover a disgusting truth about the author

runny-noseSeconds after sending last month's blog, I was confronted with an absolutely disturbing reality.
Those of you who bother to read my monthly rant were (and still are) invited to submit a random word, subject or idea that I would, somehow, connect to Specialty Box and the world of retail packaging.
The first two responses were essentially identical.  One was "goobers" and the other was (in ALL CAPS of course) 'SNOT." To make matters worse, the four letter reply came from my father David.  Thanks Dad.  You make me proud.
So, today. when I should be trick or treating, I'm left to ponder the commonality between Specialty Box and nasal drippings.
This month my two and a half year old daughter has been kept up by a cold.  Jennie and I were shocked to discover that age appropriate decongestants do not exist.  Piper doesn't know how to blow her nose (but it's so cute to watch her try) and it sounds like she's being tortured when we stick a syringe up her schnoz.
It became time for daddy to perform mouth to nose resuscitation.  
With all the love I can muster, I place my mouth completely over Piper's fluid filled sniffer, do my best Dirt Devil impression and empty my little girl's nasal passages.  Piper sleeps soundly.
My sons and wife are absolutely disgusted (though, truth be told, Jennie has now joined in the fun).  Someday my sons will understand the lengths to which you will go for those you love.
Sixteen months ago, a customer (who has become a real friend; I like when that happens) received her gorgeous bags only to find that the website which should have been www.amantivino.com was boldly printed as www.amativino.com.  The "n" between the "a" and the "t" was missing.
We were both mortified (OK, that word is a little dramatic but c'mon, it's Halloween).  
I looked through all the notes and all the approvals.  It turns out that the proof formally approved by my friend and customer was approved with the misspelled website.  Technically, Specialty Box & Packaging wasn't at fault.
Forgive my language, but screw technically.
I still needed to make this right.  Not only were the bags discounted but I proceeded to purchase the website www.amantivino.com and set it up to redirect to the correct website.  Go ahead, click on it now and watch it work.
You see, while I won't be sucking out your snot any time soon, be assured that, when needed, Specialty Box & Packaging, as your packaging partner, will go above and beyond the call of duty.
Someday my sons will understand the lengths to which you will go for those you love.
Happy Halloween!

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