
Specialty blog

Look at me! How is it possible I can be this cool?!

iStock_000017097256XSmallIn this month's blog post I'm going to do something that is completely unexpected, entirely off the wall and downright crazy. I'm actually going to write about packaging.

There is one program we have at Specialty Box and Packaging that really excites me (imagine that, getting excited about packaging).

The program is called, "You Dream It, We Design It." We put our graphic artists to work for you and it's on the house. There is no cost and no obligation but I assure you it's chock full of imagination.

If you would like some free artwork or some samples of our completed work then just go ahead and reply to this email or give me a call at 800-283-2247 and I'll get right to work for you.

If you want more info or just enjoy my banter then by all means read on =).

A bag should do more than hold stuff. We believe it should grab attention! The entire bag (its front, back, sides, bottom and handles) is a canvas for both artistic and branding expression.

We find that there are two obstacles that stop our clients from buying the bag of their dreams. The first is high minimums and the second is high setup charges.

Allow me to heave you over these hurdles (don't worry, I promise to be gentle).

With regard to high minimums you may be surprised to know that the minimum order on your dream bag is between 1000 and 3000 pieces.

And as far as high set up charges are concerned, I will simply say this:

Let us provide you with some free artwork and a quote. It's possible you may discover that you can actually save money when you get out of a plain bag and slip into a shopping bag that shouts, "Look at me! How is it possible I can be this cool???!!!"

I think it's pretty cool that you read all the way to the end! Thank you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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