
Specialty blog

It's always Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!!

My teenage sons, perhaps rightfully, give me a hard time about the constant spotlight this monthly blog places on their adorable four year old sister Piper (if you need a Piper picture fix just reply with a request and I’ll send one).

So…meet my 17 year old son Nate who has made me unspeakably proud.

Through a series of informal conversations with his classmates Nate, now a senior in high school, discovered that cheating on school work is not only common but it is admitted to among peers with smiles and without shame.

I’ll never forget Nate’s words to me (and I’m experiencing both chills and tears as I write them):

“Dad,’ Nate sighed, “I didn’t know cheating was a thing.  When did it become a thing?”

Now that’s a person, no matter the skill set, that I’d love to hire.

So I did! =)

During the summer Nate is joining me part time in my Kalamazoo, Michigan based home office.  The last two days he’s been getting over the jitters as he makes calls to remind our clients that now is the time to order holiday packaging.

I’ll wrap this up with a personal message to my 15 year old son Luke:

Don’t worry kiddo. I’ll blog about you too.

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