
Specialty blog

Is it possible to be too honest?

thank you on blackboardAt times I've been accused of being a bit too transparent. This may be one of those times.

This month I'm taking a breather from my silly attempts to connect the world of retail packaging to cookies, french fries and homophones in order to offer a simple and brutally honest thank you.

Over the last couple of weeks, my inbox was littered with "Happy Thanksgiving" messages and expressions of gratitude for my patronage. While I don't doubt the sincerity of the sentiment, I know how easy it is these days to press a couple of buttons and have thousands of these messages sent.

About four years ago, our largest customer that represented 5% of our sales in an entire year did not pay a single penny for the customized packaging products it ordered and received. This, combined with a tanking economy and the high costs of opening up a new territory in the state of Florida, put at risk the very existence of our 50 year family owned business.

Amazingly, we are alive, happy and well and I am so thankful (my eyes at this moment filling with tears) for so many reasons and to so many people.

Whatever the reason you're reading this message, please know that before I took my first bite of turkey I quietly said a very specific "thank you" for all who are kind enough to visit our website and read these posts. Without you our 53 year old family business would have breathed its last.

Thank you.

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