
Specialty blog

I swear to you that this story is true

This short story has absolutely nothing to do with printed packaging (as of late I'm not sure my blogs ever tell you anything about our business).  Still, this tale must be told!

Earlier this month, my wife Jennie and my daughter Piper flew from Grand Rapids, MI to our hometown of Albany, NY.

Piper held a doll as they made their way through airport security.

When it was time to rid oneself of lap top computers, belts and loose change, one of the security workers made eye contact with Jennie, pointed to the conveyor belt and, in broken English said, "Baby go for ride."

Jennie was stunned but obedient.  She picked up a bin and began to lower our two year old daughter into a space generally intended for dirty shoes.

The mortified security worker, in now perfect English, exclaimed, "Not baby! Baby doll!  Baby doll!"

Needless to say, Jennie was relieved and a little embarrassed (yes, I do have Jennie's permission to share this story).   Our adventurous Piper, on the other hand, was rather looking forward to the ride.

Why should dirty shoes have all the fun?

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