
Specialty blog

Happy Doughnut Banana Day


I'm blaming my wife if Specialty Box & Packaging goes out of business.  

It's almost September and I know that I should be writing about how it's time to order holiday packaging but I just can't do it!
As you've discovered over the past couple of months, my bride Jennie provides slam dunk subject matter for this monthly message.  
This time she has outdone herself!  She has actually supplied the copy. 
You see, just yesterday (August 28, 2014), Jennie and I celebrated our third annual Doughnut Banana Day!  My gift to Jennie, a skillfully sculpted, smiling Play-Doh banana, is pictured here for all to see.
Just what is Doughnut Banana day?  I'll let Jennie answer through her gift to me. The poem below, I'm told, was written. without edits, in ten minutes.  My wife's got skills!
Today is a day we celebrate
When life began in my womb
At first, I thought it wasn't so great
That life as I knew it was doomed
But it didn't take long to come around
And realize that I was wrong
All of my frowns were turned upside down
And my heart once again was a song
For the child we have is a gift to the world
One we could never keep to ourselves
With her smile, her run and each blonde curl
Hardened hearts get put back on the shelves
So I thank our Lord for our sweet Piper Jade
And for making my mother a Nana
Just think, the beginning of P's life was made
When my doughnut received your banana

Ho Ho Ho!  Merry Doughnut Banana Day to All!  And to all a good night!

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