
Specialty blog

Get those darn kids out of my yard and into yours!


While the sign on our front door is not so brash, it politely explains that visitors must make an appointment before stepping into our cave.  Truth be told, on most days Ray, the king of the Specialty Box warehouse, is the only guy in the building and his music is blaring as he prints bags for one of our faithful clients.  
I kinda think a visit to our premises might scare some customers away forever.
Ironically, most of the businesses we serve depend upon ever increasing foot traffic and would never consider turning away a living, breathing person.
Years ago I arrived at a conclusion about marketing and many small businesses.  It was certainly true of my small business.
Because small business owners wear so many hats, we invest heavily in marketing when we are desperate for clientele.  When more customers walk through our door (your door, not mine of course) we minimize our marketing efforts so that we can serve the people in front of us.
I needed to eliminate this pattern of putting the pedal to the metal and then slamming on the breaks.  I wanted my marketing to be more like a long leisurely Sunday drive but I could entertain neither the expense of hiring a full time employee nor the work load of having to do everything myself.
If this sounds anything like you of if you just want to improve your marketing in an ever increasing and unfamiliar electronic world  then I'd like to introduce you to a friend and a company that can help.
Candace Duerr ([email protected]) works with Lasso Solutions. Lasso helps small and medium sized brick and mortar businesses round up new customers by increasing the internet visibility and digital footprint of its clients.
Please know that I make this introduction simply because I'm well aware that our success is dependent upon your success.  If you reply to this email I'll be happy to personally introduce you to Candace.
Also, I want to make sure that you are so busy with new customers that you never have time to think about making a visit to our premises =).

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