
Specialty blog

Bald men have feelings too =(

I’m sincerely grateful for the kind replies I receive from those who take a moment to read my monthly message.

And then there are the rare and painful exceptions like the one I received last month from my “friend” Donna who, unprovoked, resorted to name calling.

“Dork!”, she called me and then had the gall to follow up the insult with a request.

“That’s my one word.  I would love it if you use it for next month’s blog.”

Hmmm…This is a a tough one.  How could I possibly connect spectacularly branded packaging and the world of Specialty Box to a “a dull, slow-witted, or socially inept person”?

(I pause for deep thought….and more deep thought….still thinking….AHA!)

Well, if the bubble faced portrait of the company’s president doesn’t answer the question, then I’m sure the matter will be clarified perfectly by this video of our chief executive officer dancing with his daughter while singing an improvised original song.

At least I’m not Donald Trump ;).

Now, let the name calling begin!

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